Ommmmmmmm ✨
The energy that’s radiating right now is immense! I just finished my early morning meditation and now I feel so energized and ready for my day!
I usually wake every morning somewhere between 4-5am...and immediately after brushing my teeth and washing my face, I go to “my spot”, sit facing the East and begin my mediation. Sometimes I light a candle, sometimes I don’t. Sometimes I listen to frequency raising music, but most of the time I don’t.
I like to think of my meditation time as an opportunity to plug in and charge up. It’s not prayer time, it’s not request time, it’s not figuring out time. It’s sitting and breathing time! Whatever comes up during this time is simply acknowledged and then immediately followed by a deep breath (to reset and return to a “flow state”).
Our souls/inner self is constantly seeking integration with the whole...a universal energy that exists in every living and non-living being...and meditation is the way we can make that connection. We are all connected...I am you and you are me...there is no separation! We are all links in a chain designed for a greater purpose in existence.
Let’s connect those links and heal the disconnect! And let the chain continue to grow by inviting other women to join us!
Meditation also helps to combat depression and anxiety, as well as improving your emotional and spiritual well-being.
I choose early morning because it’s before your brain waves really begin functioning for the day. It’s quiet and the energy in the universe is high. Other like minded people are up, doing the same we are all a part of this collective energy together.
Join our daily meditation collective at 4:45am. Simply wake up and meditate on your own, knowing that you have a sisterhood joining you. No need to call in, no joining a zoom, no messaging! Just “plug in” and allow your soul to communicate with source energy
In Peace and Health,
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